Call for paper: Special Issue on ‘New data and new methodologies to improve measure and interpretation of cultural economics
We are inviting submissions for the special issue of Economia della cultura dealing with ‘New data and methodologies to improve measure and interpretation of cultural economics.
The last few years have been characterized by considerable debate on the concept of the culture as an industry (O’Connors, 2024) and its evolution (Salvador, E. Benghozi, P., 2023). On the other hand, the development of information technologies and the Internet has made available a plethora of cultural offerings and a mass of associated usage data. Researchers have thus had the opportunity to explore new data sources such as the use of Wikipedia page views on World Heritage Sites (Eurostat, 2019) or the use of TripAdvisor to assess the main characteristics in the enjoyment of Cultural Heritage Sites (Bacchini et al., 2023). Moreover, the development of data processing applications, and now artificial intelligence, has opened up new prospects for research by facilitating the use and handling of these masses of data.
The interplay between these dimensions has important implications for, among other things, measuring the impact of cultural policy, the user’s behaviour, the structure of cultural offerings and the way markets are organised. It adds a new layer of analysis (Montalto, 2024). However, the new data sources require the development of improved methodologies to fully identify and leverage them.
This special issue aims to illustrate and showcase recent advances in new data sources and innovative methodologies for cultural economics. By emphasizing these advancements, we seek to refine our understanding of their potential for analyzing the different dimensions of the cultural economy and for measuring the impact of cultural policies.
Papers for this issue should demonstrate strong analytical frameworks, innovative methodological proposals and robust data utilization to be considered for publication. Authors who are uncertain about the suitability of their papers should contact the special issue Guest Editors.
All submissions must contain original unpublished work not being considered for publication elsewhere. Submissions will be referred to according to the standard procedures for Economia della cultura. Information about the journal can be found at Rivista – Economia della cultura
The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2025. However, papers can be submitted at any time and they will enter the editorial system immediately.
Papers for the special issue should be submitted using the
For further information please send an email to:
The special issue Guest Editors:
Fabio Bacchini
Pierre-Jean Benghozi
Roberto Iannaccone
Bacchini, F., Di Mari, F., Iannacone, R. (2023) Using TripAdvisor for monitoring and improving the management of the Heritage sites, in “Economia della Cultura ” 1, pp. 75-84, doi: 10.1446/107914
Eurostat (2019) Big Data pilot project on the use of Wikipedia page views on World Heritage Sites, in Cultural statistics, Eurostat
Montalto, V. (2024) Cultural Data: Your Ally, Not Your Foe,
O’Connor, J. (2024). Culture is not an industry: Reclaiming art and culture for the common good. Manchester University Press.
Salvador, E. Benghozi, P. (2023). The evolving place of the Cultural and Creative industries in the public policy orientation: What can we learn from the Communications of the European Commission? Réseaux: communication, technologie, société, N° 238-239 (2), pp.283-328.